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Row a Viking boat and visit historic places

Dressed in Viking attire, we will row a Viking boat along the river Fyris in the waters around Valsgärde burial ground and Old Uppsala. You might take part in the rowing or you might just sit back and enjoy the ride in the steady boat surrounded by unspoilt nature.

In Old Uppsala you will find large burial mounds, a sacrificial grove, a museum and a church with medieval wooden sculptures. You will walk along the burial grounds of Valsgärde and see the curious remains of boat graves where men of importance have been buried in boats filled with riches and grandeur. Helmets, weapons, caparisons, household utensils and sacrificial animals have been unearthed by archaeologists. The tour might be customized with elements to fit your requirements. Contact us and let us arrange it for you! 

The Complete Viking Experience

Let Ulf the Viking be your cicerone during the boat trip. Walk with him along boat graves and burial mounds, in the sacrificial grove and the church. Visit the museum and hear Ulf relate tales from hazardous eastward Viking raids. Share a horn of mead with him and finish it all off with a Viking party.


  • Type of company: Adventure travels

  • Location: Valsgärde, Fyrisån, Old Uppsala

  • Duration: 3 hours

  • Season: May-October

  • Target group: Tourist groups, corporate groups

  • Min/max no. of participants: Min 6, max 11

  • Level of activity/previous knowledge required: None

  • Language: Swedish, English



Fullerö Ensta 115, 755 94 Uppsala Sweden

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